7 Benefits of Cold Showers That Will (Definitely) Blow Your Mind
Have you ever, by an unfortunate mishap, stepped under a shower blasting ice-cold water? You cuss, (after an ear-blasting shriek passes, that is), sprint out, and cuss more! But next time this happens, don’t fight it; instead, embrace the cold.
Allow a chance to these 7 surprising benefits of cold showers.
- Cold showers build strong willpower
Doing something you are so resistant to, every single day, right when you wake up, takes a lot of mental strength. And overtime, this mental strength and discipline will become an automated habit that echoes into every area of your life.
- Cold showers improve emotional resilience
The first time you step in that cold shower, you won’t be able to think straight, let alone breathe. Don’t lose hope, though! Cold showers help by training your nervous system to be more resilient to stress. Do you get flustered, anxious or pissed off easily? Worry not; this may be a thing of the past!
- Cold showers increase mood and alertness
When cold water pours over your body, your breathing deepens in response to the shock of the cold (this is your body trying to keep you warm by increasing overall oxygen intake). Your heart rate will also increase, resulting in a rush of blood through your body that will help you get energised for the day.
- Cold showers burn fat
There are two kinds of fat in your body: white fat and brown fat. White fat, the bad guy, is the body fat we all know and struggle to get rid of. Brown fat is the good guy you might have never even heard of, and its function is to generate heat to keep your body warm. When you take a cold shower, brown fat is activated, resulting in an increase in energy and calories burned to keep your body warm. Studies have found that exposure to cold temperatures increased the metabolic rate of brown fat by fifteen fold, which could help a person drop nine pounds in a year, if sustained.
- Cold showers strengthen immunity and circulation
The increase of the metabolic rate activates your immune system, which releases virus-fighting white blood cells that will help you get sick less frequently. Cold showers also increase your overall blood circulation, which can help you avoid hypertension and the hardening of arteries.
- Cold showers relieve depression
The mild electroshock delivered to the brain by the cold shower sends an overwhelming amount of electrical impulses from peripheral nerve endings to the brain, which could result in an anti-depressive effect.
- Cold showers put you to sleep
Ironically, while cold showers wake you up in the AM, cold therapy is one of the best ways to get an incredible night’s sleep.
No one else is going to push you into that shower (unless someone at home has a wicked sense of humour!). You just have to take the plunge. And every time you do it, it will get easier. If you want to be the best version of yourself, you have to step outside your comfort zone. But whatever you do, don’t be too serious about it and have fun. If it’s stressing you out, then it’s not worth it.
Let us know if you took the plunge, and how it went, in the comments below!
Psst! You can start your shower off hot, and enjoy it. But for the last 3 minutes it must be cold! As cold as it goes!